How we work
Everything we do is designed to create employment or education opportunities for disadvantaged young Australians.
FutureGen works with our partners and supporters—government, business and community stakeholders - to facilitate customised programs enabling disadvantaged young Australians to develop employability skills and knowledge to commence a meaningful career, building invaluable workplace experience through our employer partners.
From employability bootcamps for high school students looking to get that first job, to programs helping NEETs (not in education, employment or training) and those at risk of long-term unemployment reengage with the world of work and programs focused on preparing participants for employment with local industries, FutureGen programs help participants make that all important school-to-work transition.
Since 2012, with the support and collaboration of our partners, together we have been able to achieve:

The figures are so much more than numbers on a page: each represents the life of young disadvantaged Australian given a potentially life-changing chance at a better future.

FutureGen has extensive agenda-leading experience, advising governments on the development of successful youth employment and school-to-work transition initiatives. Through our policy advisory arm, the Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation, we regularly publish research reports detailing how, by advancing work-based learning initiatives, we can bridge our skills gap whilst reducing youth disengagement and unemployment.
Program Examples
Citi New Recruits
The Citi New Recruits program, supported by Citi Australia and Citi Foundation, has been addressing youth unemployment since 2013. Specifically targeting youth from low socio-economic communities who are facing unemployment or at risk of disengagement following school, the Citi New Recruits program has been our most successful program yet.
Through our Post school Pre-employment programs participants are taught the importance of first impressions in interviews, and increase their skills in resume and cover letter writing and decision making. The program builds confidence and enables participants to gain an insight into industry through guest speakers who are undertaking apprenticeships or traineeship, employers who are hiring and industry mentors who guide apprentices and trainees through their qualification. Participants gain hands on experience in the work place through a week of work placement, where they are able to put their new skills into practice.
Since the inception of the Citi New Recruits Program 1725 youth have commenced our post school programs with 1559 completing. 1079 have found positive employment destinations and 262 went onto further studies in their industry of choice.
Overall Diversity Impact

School Bootcamps
Our locally-tailored school bootcamps have been a large part of our success story over the last eight years. The Foundation has partnered with schools in Melbourne’s West including Copperfield College, St Albans Secondary College and Werribee Secondary College to engage students with a fresh perspective and a head start in developing the employability skills they will require in transitioning from secondary education into the workforce.
Our school bootcamps are designed to develop skills that aren’t part of the school curriculum and introduce alternative pathways to the traditional university pathway post year 12. Bootcamps are tailored to the needs of each school and the year level that the bootcamps are being delivered to.
Students learn about building confidence, decision making, creating their resumes to stand out amongst other job seekers, along with presentations from industry with employers invited to present their stories on how they got to where they are today and what they look for when hiring. Not only do students learn about their career pathway options but they experience them during industry tours and work placements.
We invite current or graduated apprentices and trainees to present their stories after completing school.
Over the past 7 years, 761 High school students have participated in our school bootcamps with 751 completing.